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Jovie Lauren: 6-12 months

  Well look at that, I fell behind on my updates for Jovie. We moved around the time Jovie turned 8 months old and I guess I fell off the face of the blogging Earth after that because it just dawned on me that I’m about 6 months late for an update. As I’ve mentioned before, I do this for me! I love being able to look back and see how far we’ve come, how we’ve all grown, and be reminded of how the “awful” times weren’t so awful at all.   Jovie turned 1 a few weeks ago but she’s felt “one” for a while. I don’t know if it’s the early walking, the early teething, or her persistence in being a bigger kid but she hasn’t felt like a baby for a long time. Currently, Jovie has 9   (ish) teeth, working on her last three molars. Some days she has left because her top two canines keep popping in and out, but they’re there. At 7 months, she finally learned to crawl which was a godsend because from the time she realized it was a possibility (around 5 months) until she was finally able to move, she s

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